Durrenmatt Friedrich: biography and photos

Famous European playwright, novelist, artist, illustrator Friedrich Durrenmatt created many literary works. Among them are short stories, novels, novels and plays. In the 60s, he became popular in our country. He even came to Russia several times. Literary works translated into Russian were in great demand among Soviet readers. In addition, performances and films were made based on his plays.

dürrenmatt friedrich

The beginning of the way

The biography of Friedrich Durrenmatt began in 1921, when a boy was born in the family of a Protestant priest. This happened near Bern. In 1924, his sister Vroni was born.

The directors of the Free Gymnasium, as well as Humbolt, expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that Durrenmatt was their student. Friedrich studied poorly, argued with teachers, criticized their teaching methods.

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friedrich dürrenmatt

. 1943 . «», «», «». , . « ». 1945 . 1947 . « » 1950 . .

, , 1946 . 1983 , . , . .

friedrich dürrenmatt books

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biography of Friedrich Dürrenmatt

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friedrich dürrenmatt promise reviews

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