Thermal heads for heating radiators: types, principle of operation, installation

Thermal heads for radiators are needed to create the optimal temperature regime in the house. The functioning of the heating is more efficient in determining all the heating points of the system - in each individual room. Manual adjustment of heating cannot provide high accuracy and timeliness of making compensations.

Why do I need to install a thermostat?

By using a thermal head for radiators, the heating system becomes more efficient. In a timely manner, the flow of hot water through the pipe decreases with an increase in the external air temperature, thereby reducing the heating power.

Thermal heads for radiators

In classical heating systems, cone valves are used. Ball valves are also common , having a number of features:

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radiators kermi

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With proper execution of the heating system, a thermal head is used for the radiator. Testimonials from experienced plumbers show that automatic adjustment saves money, consumes resources, and also frees a person from constant temperature control in the room. The set heating indicator will be kept within the error specified by the device manufacturer.

oventrop thermal heads for radiators
However, installer errors will cause a huge deviation in performance due to the following factors:

  • The sensitive sensor capsule should be horizontal. It is recommended to install the device at the base of the radiator. If this cannot be avoided due to pipe wiring, the following conditions are taken into account.
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thermal head for radiator with remote sensor

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  • Kermi () Oventrop;
  • Rifar ();
  • Zehnder ();
  • Prado ().

Kermi: therm-x2 plan-v typ11 , therm-x2 profil-v . : FTV, PLV β€” ; FKO, PLK β€” ; Ph O β€” .

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  • "" β€” : multiflex ; ZB ; ZBU ; F - . Oventrop uni .
  • Danfoss β€” : RA5062, RA5065, RA2920, RA2940, RA2994, RA5068, RA5074. .

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Oventrop β€” "", . - . "" EVON, .

thermal head for radiator reviews

"" . , . Kermi.

Danfoss :

  • RTD-G β€” , . , .
  • RTD-N β€” , .

Danfoss RA2920, RA2940, RA2994 . , . .

thermal heads for radiators working principle

Danfoss RA5062, RA5065 , . RA5068 RA5074 , .

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thermal heads for radiators with bottom connection

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