And let's try to grow clematis in Siberia!

Clematis belong to the genus of plants of the buttercup family . This flower has in addition several more names - clematis and vine. Clematis are usually perennial woody or herbaceous plants. These flowers grow in temperate and subtropical climatic zones. Clematis found its application in decorative gardening. With their help they plant balconies. In addition, clematis is a medicinal plant.

clematis in siberia

Lozines grow in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere: along cliffs and rocks, in forests, along river valleys and banks, in steppe meadows and steppes, sometimes on saline soil, in shrubbery, on hillsides.

Siberian flowers

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seed clematis

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Inexperienced gardeners are trying to immediately get more diverse varieties of this amazing plant. But among them may come across little-known, moody and suitable only for a warm climate species. If you decide to grow clematis from seeds, at first you should buy unpretentious plants proven by practice.

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