Chinese greenhouses: description and reviews

Most people have the opinion that Chinese goods are always consumer goods, not of high quality, and their technology is either far from perfect or borrowed from someone. Chinese greenhouses completely destroy these stereotypes. Their design is very simple, material investments are minimal, and the results are stunning. With the introduction of these unusual vegetarians into the Chinese agro-industrial complex, it has become possible to provide the country's 1.5 billion people with cheap fruits and vegetables all year round. Greenhouses from China, having proved in practice their high profitability, began to conquer the world market. Now they are popular in all temperate countries, including Russia.

chinese greenhouses

Principle of operation

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chinese greenhouses photo

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chinese greenhouses description
It is done like this: plastic pipes with a diameter of 110 mm or more are laid around the perimeter of the greenhouse. They are buried in the ground by about 300 mm, but so that two ends stick out from the side of the transparent wall from the ground. They come from the room warm air. In the opposite wall, where there are also pipe openings, fans are installed, which make air circulate through the system. These devices partly solves the issue of ventilation. Alternatively, black tanks are installed near the north wall. The sun warms them all day, and at night they give off heat to plants.

Features of outdoor heating

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Chinese greenhouses where used

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chinese greenhouses for growing strawberries

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Chinese greenhouses for growing cucumbers

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chinese greenhouses reviews

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- In regions with a warmer climate, it is necessary to arrange additional ventilation.

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