What is the difference between repair and overhaul: list of repair work, estimate

Many inexperienced people who want to start repairs in their home are interested in the question of how the repair differs from the overhaul. This is not surprising, since those who have not encountered such a problem know absolutely nothing about this issue. Some people do not suspect that apartment renovation, for example, can be carried out not only by the owner himself, but also partially by the communal services. The types of work depend on what needs to be done and how critical the situation is. If the apartment is in disrepair, then there is always the opportunity to request assistance from the city council. The same applies to the situation when it is planned to repair buildings.

What is a repair?

what is the difference between repair and overhaul
In order to correctly answer the question of how the repair differs from the overhaul, you need to understand the process itself. What is a repair? The concept of “repair” originally had the meaning of “replacement”. And if you rely on this, an understanding of the essence of the process comes. Any actions aimed at improving the appearance and functionality of the room, and there is a repair. You must understand that the purpose of some processes is to update something, while others are to replace. The difference between these works entails different types of the indicated process. Concepts such as overhaul and maintenance appear here. To understand the difference, you need to study each of them individually.

What is the difference between repair and overhaul

renovation of apartments
Now we abstractly imagine that the process can be planned not only in the apartment, but also in a private house, as well as in a public building. Maintenance is carried out much more often than overhaul. It is done as necessary, and this includes all the work that is periodically carried out in the room to replace some part or eliminate deficiencies. The work may concern part of the room, but may cover the entire building, but not affect the main structures. If it comes to overhaul, then a complete replacement of the structure or part of the structure is already underway. In order to correctly present the difference in practice, we can give an example: for example, overlapping the roof of a house is a major overhaul, and installing latches on the roof is a current or cosmetic repair.An important difference is that the last option does not require large financial costs, unlike the first. And now we will consider separately each of the types.


building repair
If we are tired of the annoying interior or there is a need to update something in the appearance of the room, then we are talking about planning a cosmetic renovation. Repair of apartments or houses with a similar purpose may include the following types of work:

  • pasting walls with new wallpaper;
  • whitewashing or painting of ceiling plates;
  • replacement of door and window structures;
  • installation of another type of ceiling (suspended, suspended , etc.);
  • tile laying;
  • dismantling and changing floor coverings;
  • painting works of all kinds.

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apartment building renovation
Speaking about this type of work, experts mean global changes in the design of a house or apartment, including the impact of load-bearing walls. One of the most important nuances of how a repair differs from an overhaul is that in order to conduct a global process, it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant services. The type of service depends on what kind of work you are going to carry out. For example, if you want to tear down a wall, then you need to get permission from the architect of the building, if you change the heat pipe, you need the consent of the heating system, etc. What can be attributed to works of this kind?

  • changing the layout of an apartment or building;
  • global work with walls, floors and ceilings;
  • complete replacement of the pipeline;
  • replacement of all elements of the electrical circuit;
  • laying tiles on the walls and floor;
  • updating all elements of plumbing in the house;
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major and current repairs
Repair of buildings or apartments can be carried out in different ways, depending on the amount of work and the capabilities of the owner. Recently, more and more often we hear the word "European-quality repair". This is not a type of repair. This word means only the fact that the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements adopted in Europe. If we talk about species, then they distinguish:

  1. "Economy option." Here, only the necessary work is carried out to make the room look fresh.
  2. "Option Standard." Here, work is added to replace the wiring and some communication elements.
  3. "Repair Suite". The people call this type of "turnkey repair". The work of the designer is added to the work of the contractors. This type of repair is rarely carried out by the owner independently, since it requires great strength and knowledge.


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repair estimate
Whether it is planned to repair an apartment building or a private household, the choice of a team of workers is a very responsible procedure. You can rely on online advertising or the advice of friends, but remember that it is best to choose the people whose work you saw with your own eyes. What are the options? All repair work can be performed:

  1. Construction company.
  2. Private construction work team.
  3. Single master.

Each option has its pros and cons. For example, a construction company has enough experience and guarantees quality with its name. But turning to private workers, you can save money. The choice of the contractor belongs entirely to the landlord, who, having weighed all the pros and cons, must make the right decision. We will limit ourselves to one piece of advice: if you have the financial ability, do not take risks, contact experienced specialists so that you do not have to redo everything all over again.

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